
Blue Belle / Hand Tied Bouquet

Blue Belle / Hand Tied Bouquet


Soft blue faux hydrangeas are offset by cheerful white wax flowers, dusky eucalyptus and lambs ear in this delicate yet eyecatching bouquet.

BOUQUET ONLY – Blue Belle can be presented beautifully in our Orla or Madeleine vases which can also be purchased.

Our artificial flowers require very little maintenance and will be loved for years to come. Keep out of direct sunlight for long lasting beauty.

Approx Measurements

Height 550mm (bouquet including stems)
Would suit a vase between 190 -250mm height.

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Premium Faux Bouquets

Using only the most realistic artificial and silk flowers, our handcrafted bouquets and arrangements are designed to enhance your home or workplace and provide many years of happiness.
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limited edition icon simply sorted


maintenance free icon simply sorted flowers


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premium quality icon simply sorted flowers


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